track links

home page redone
front page recreated (again)
big update. using brackets instead of the neocities editor finally. stay tuned.
About page done
Front page done (for now)
Site recreation again. I'll try to stick with this theme for once lol

I dont really have a consistent internet alias but for now you can call me Rena (like the higurashi girl hahaha). Im 18 and from the UK. Currently, im kind of a shut in. I dont often leave my house and i dont have friends irl. My life has been like that since i was 13, so im kind of a boring person and im really bad at socializing. If i come off as a weirdo sorryyyyy.
I first discovered neocities when i was 14, but i immediately gave up on pursuing making a site when i found out you actually had to code it yourself (and i stuck to making my danganronpa themed carrds). In 2022 i finally decided to attempt to code something, but ive never really been happy with all the websites i've made and im constantly changing how they look.
Things i find interesting include: history (especially ww2 and 20th century europe), learning languages (russian and german), philosophy (jung, nietzsche). I also watch anime and movies and all that but you can find out about that kind of stuff on their respective pages. Im currently learning russian, and plan on studying it at uni in a little while! I listen to a lot of different music, but recently ive been rotating between: trance mixes on youtube, my misc 80s playlist, and the albums angst, naive and wwiii by kmfdm.
Yeah thats about all i have to say for now.